Passion and the Positivity Ratio

Passion and the Positivity Ratio

Research on thousands of couples shows that passion parallels a high positivity ratio in marriage. Successful couples generally have 20 seconds of positive interaction for every 1 negative second.

The “Capillaries” of a Marriage

The “Capillaries” of a Marriage

A healthy marriage is held together by many tiny, seemingly unimportant, “bids’ for connection. Are you catching your beloved’s bids for connection?



A few minutes of calendar sharing weekly can foster understanding, better communication, AND reap a spiritual benefit.



Appointments, projects due, presentations to make, children’s activities to schedule in, and unexpected annoyances, like a flat tire, make for a pressure-cooker week. Here’s a proven, simple exercise to help ease the pressure.

One Thousand Gifts

One Thousand Gifts

Think about this: we human beings find it difficult to hold both gratitude and worry, gratitude and doubt, or gratitude and anger. But, as Voskamp said (in the video link provided), “offering Him thanks for each and every moment . . . is how you live your one life well!”

Gratitude at Life’s Cellular Level

CONFESSION: I chased the next big event (set in the future) for much of my life. The chase caused me to miss many of the blessings granted each day. After many years of this chase and many birthdays and moving into retirement, my life has slowed, and I have become...

The Greatest Predictor of Marriage Success

The Greatest Predictor of Marriage Success

I'm walking out on a limb to point out the greatest predictor of loving, lasting marriages. I think the limb will hold my weight and more. That implies I'm confident about this declaration. My confidence rests on my personal marital experience, years of study, a...



Microgratitude describes expressing thanks for the most minor acts, attitudes, or attributes of your spouse (or other loved one).

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