Retreats: Rest from the Journey

Catch Your Breath

Have the demands of life and marriage wearied you? You’re not alone!

When you began this journey on the marriage trail, the hike felt exhilarating. Your packs felt lighter and your cares fewer. You two greeted each day with passion and wonder.

Maybe you need to take a breather, you know a break from the daily grind?

If that sounds good, then . . .

Why not pitch your tent a couple of nights along the trail with a few other couples?

Along the way, you accumulated more things to carry. Responsibilities increased, requiring more time. The family grew and each addition needed a slice of your shrinking energy pie.

You love your life, but you need some rest. You need to retreat for a few days when you can recharge your marriage purpose and passion.

Rest and recharge to tackle the next stretch of the trail!

The weekend retreat offers a couple an unhurried, refreshing setting to catch your
breath and recharge your relational batteries.

Usually, several couples join my bride and me for inspiration, information, fun,
and a bit of precious free time.

Here’s What to expect

The sessions include valuable information to correct directional deviations along with an
introduction to, or perhaps a reminder of, marriage tools that prove helpful to couples
along the marriage trail.

The sessions include:

  • Reclaiming God’s intention for marriage: renewed marriage purpose;
  • Capitalizing on, instead of resisting, your personality differences: deeper partner understanding;
  • Learning to listen better to each other: better couple communication;
  • Rebuilding fun back into your marriage: intentional marriage rut preventative;
  • Recharging your marriage passion: intimacy insurance!

Why not invest a weekend to rest together and recharge your relationship? You give yourself to children, church, friends, colleagues, schools, etc, and more. That’s great, but you’ve taken energy and time from each other for those good things. Invest in the relationship so you can continue to give!

A breather sounding good?

Instinctively, you know there’s more, but you can’t identify exactly what. Maybe you wish to pump some passion back into the relationship? Maybe your life is so routine you’ve forgotten to have fun? Perhaps, you need ideas about how to communicate more effectively?

You two have lost the fire and want to rekindle it, but are not sure how. This weekend may be just what the doctor ordered!

Selfless Love Coaching Testimonials

  • Bronwyn and C J on their Premarital Coaching . . .
    The components of our pre-marital counseling that were most impactful for us and we revisit them on a daily basis are the discussion about love languages: Knowing what our love languages are and how to best apply them in different circumstances has been absolutely critical to our navigation of the trials we have overcome in […]
  • Sarah & Josh
    My husband and I got engaged in 2014 and we were so excited to ask Pastor Bill to marry us. He said yes but told us he required premarital counseling before the big day. Before the wedding, we met several times, worked through some lessons and had some amazing conversations. We learned so much about […]

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